
震荡学说是一部纪录片片,根据纳奥米·克莱恩 (Naomi Klein)的同名著作拍摄而成,深入挖掘出美英等国如何通过推行新自由主义经济政策,来利用自然灾害、战争和恐怖主义建立其资本主义的霸主地位。   纳奥米·克莱恩以美国中情局的[休克疗法]为比喻,批判弗里德曼及芝加哥学派领军的自由市场经济狂热信徒,其 手段与目的就如同上述心理实验。这些人近四十年来趁著天灾人祸的“大好机会”,在世界各地发动经济[休克疗法],不论是智利政变、金融风暴,还是9/11恐怖攻击、伊拉克战争、南亚海啸、卡特里娜飓风,皆成为他们推动「休克主义」的绝佳舞台。   自由市场鼓吹者不断散播的思想之一,是经济开放可以促成政治民主。然而克莱恩细究数十年来全球各地的状况,实情却是市场经济常不惜镇压民主,以激烈手段彻底实行自由市场及私有化政策,带来的不是”短期阵痛“后富裕的新世界,而是广大民众的悲惨处境。

Naomi Klein gives a lecture tracing the confluence of ideas about modifying behavior using shock therapy and other sensory deprivation and modifying national economics using the "shock treatment" of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School. She moves chronologically: Pinochet's Chile, Argentina and its junta, Yeltsin's Russia, Bush and Bremer's Iraq. A trumped-up villain provides distraction or rationalization: Marxism, the Falklands, nuclear weapons, terrorists; and, always, there is a great shift of money and power from the many to the few. News footage, a narrator, and talking heads back up Klein's analysis. She concludes on a note of hope.
