线(2020) 糸/情系一线(港) / Yarn / Threads - Our Tapestry Of Love

更新:2024-01-21 03:01:17
年份: 2020  / 地区: 日本 
类型:爱情  / 豆瓣:6.9分 / IMDB:6.2分
演员:菅田将晖 小松菜奈 荣仓奈奈 斋藤工 二阶堂富美 山本美月 高杉真宙 倍赏美津子 竹原皮斯托 松重丰 田中美佐子 山口纱弥加 永岛敏行 成田凌 马场富美加 
语言:日语  / 片长:130

线是一部爱情片,13岁,初恋。俩人无奈分开。   21岁,再会。时光却不再来。   31岁,现在。如果能再一次与你相遇。   这是一个被命运分离的俩人,直到再次相遇的宏大的爱情故事。

Takahashi Ren and Sonoda Aoi are both children of the 1980s having been born in 1989. They met in 2002 and got to know love and lust at that young age through each other. As it so often happens at that age they went their separate ways only to reunite at the age of twenty one. Fate repeated itself. They are thirty-one years old and meeting again. What will be different this time\u003e Or will fate reign over them as it did the previous times?

一句话评论:什么大型串场mv?导演你到底会不会拍电影?。一场自我陶醉的风花雪月。普通的平庸的极致叫做—烂。平成时代爱情故事 -- 只要愿意相信就能相见。啥阿这是……。浪费时间。濑濑导的困境。两个人,两条线。扯了,断了,但又在某处联结。人生这条线绝对不是绷紧的,在与其他线相交的过程中会散开,有时甚至会断裂。30岁也很年轻啊。
